"NO, NO, NO, Mommy!!!"

I guess old habits never die. Monkey see, monkey do.

Making homemade meals has not been near as hard as I thought it would be. We have pretty much made every meal homemade for the past few weeks. I really like it :) We had homemade marinara with fresh pasta, fried green tomatoes, corn with bell pepper and onion, cornbread, fresh fish that Paul got fishing, pork roast with cauliflower augratin and green beans, sauteed spinach, etc. I am also reading a book called Superfoods RX, which is all about fresh foods. There are 14 superfoods that you can incorporate into your diet that are extremely good for you, and according to the book, help PREVENT many diseases and illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, strokes, diabetes, heart disease, etc. It is an easy read, and I am learning a lot from it.

My helper in the kitchen

As for my little one, Thomas is starting to enjoy his cereal. We are about to move on to vegtables. I am going to try to make as much of his food as I can. He is also trying to crawl. I don't think he will do it for another month or so, but he keeps pulling his legs under him and pushing up. He can scoot around pretty well.
So great! James's new favorite word is "No." I'm so happy he's talking but this no business is a little much! Love the cooking shots. Before long you'll have those boys asking for tomatos & onions! :-)