Well we have a lot of changes going on. Matthew is very interested in the potty now and goes usually about 3 times a day, so I think we are about ready for potty training. I am waiting for him to say potty, then he sits and goes, which he is getting pretty good at, I just want him to be really ready. He has also learned his basic colors and loves being called a "big boy". Thomas had his 6 month check up this morning, and it went well. He weighed 15.8 lbs (13%) and is 26 inches long(18%). He is also starting solids, we have done sweet potatoes and peas so far. I tried green beans, but he did NOT like them, so I will try again later. He is sliding around everywhere on the floor, so it won't be long until I have two really mobile babies!! Paul had his last day in Purvis last week. He had been going there once a week for the past 5 years. So that gives him another day at Belk Eye Clinic now. Football season is starting up, so that is always a fun time for us :) Here are some recent pictures:
Matthew loves getting in Thomas' tub
Thomas is on the move...
This is how I found Matthew after a nap one day. I had given him a sucker earlier for going potty, but he didn't finish before nap time. He was upset about his shirt so I gave him his sucker back while I took a picture.
Again, monkey see, monkey do. Matthew came and laid down by Thomas and started kicking his feet like him...too funny
I snuck away for a little while, and when I came back this is how I found the boys...watching football of course. Matthew has his hands up saying "Touchdown!"
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