Monday, October 21, 2013

2 months and 4 months

Ok, so I think I forgot to post about Andrew's 2 month check up so I am going to double up. 2 Month check up was great! He weighed 10 lbs 2 ozs (10%) and was 20 3/4 in long (5%) The doctor was very impressed with his weight gain since birth and didn't foresee him having any delays from being early. 4 Month check up was today. He also checked out great! He weighed 12 lbs 15 oz (6%) and was 24 3/4 in long (34%) She wasn't too concerned about him not gaining more. I did check Matthew's numbers and Andrew was almost exactly the same as him and 2 and 4 months so I am not worried at all. Andrew is cooing and laughing a lot these days. His tummy seems to be more mature now so he isn't as gassy as he has been. He is rolling over and sleeping anywhere from 8-10 hrs at night. He loves to be held and played with. He kicks his arms and legs around like he is dancing all the time. He loves taking baths and is a great baby. He does get fussy a lot and has been drooling so I think he has already started teething. It seems to bother him more that it did Matthew and Thomas. He loves his wubanub! Here are a few pictures of him

Happy Birthday Matthew!

We celebrated Matthew's 4th birthday at the Kroc Center. I didn't get many pictures of the actually party :( but did get some of the cake and eating of the cake. They all had a blast though! Sunday we went to Matthew's favorite place...The Zoo. Here are some pictures!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Update on the Willistons

Life with three boys has been an adjustment for us, but we are loving it. We have been to the beach, pumpkin patch, and Matthew had his first performance within the past month. He did so good. I even got a little teary eyed watching him. It was so sweet! Andrew is doing good. He is starting to drool alot now. He is talking and laughing and loves to be held and played with. The boys love their baby brother, especially Thomas. If he is crying, Thomas runs to get his paci to help him feel better. Matthew just turned 4 so we have his party coming up this weekend so I will post pictures from that soon.