Friday, January 4, 2013
What's been going on?
I haven't posted in forever! We had a good Christmas and Happy New Year! We enjoyed seeing Paul's family that came into town over the holidays. We spent a lot of time with them. Unfortunately, we didn't get to go to West Point this year. Everyone was sick! Most are on the mends now and getting better! I haven't taken any recent pictures either..sorry! We went to New Orleans to the Aquarium and Celebration in the Oaks. Paul and I went to the Gator Bowl in Jacksonville. It was fun to get away without chasing kids. Over the holidays we did a lot of fun, Christmas stuff like Seeing Santa at the parade, Yacht Club, and Mall. We made gingerbread houses and train with friends, saw Disney on Ice.
An update on the boys:
Matthew- Loves alligators and crocodiles, still loves dinosaurs too, but think he favors the alligators now. He still has a deep love of animals, any kind! He gets our laundry baskets and turns them into Arks for the animals. I even gave him his own basket, but somehow he keeps reclaiming our laundry baskets. He is getting much bigger and more mature. We had a phase he went through where he was a tough cookie, but seems to be back to normal now. He still refers to Thomas as "baby", but usually is looking out for his little brother.
Thomas- Loves basketball and basketball goals. He has a love of any kind of ball/sports. He speaks very well and talks all the time. He adores Matthew and does everything he does. He also likes to take our laundry baskets and make them boats. He is all over the place so it is much more challenging now for me to take them both places. Matthew for the most part will mind and stay close to me, but Thomas is like a loose cannon. Either one can also throw a fit at any given moment, so I am much more selective about where I take them both. Since they both go to school, I try to take them places one on one while the other is in school.
As for Paul and I, God has blessed up with our 3rd baby!! We are due July 20. We are excited and looking forward to having another child. Matthew will be almost 4 and Thomas will be about 2.5 when the baby comes so I am looking forward to having 2 good big brothers to help out ;)
Hope everyone had a great Holiday season!
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Congrats, I am so happy for ya'll.