Thomas is 1 year old today! We celebrated his birthday Saturday with a few friends and family. Thank you to everyone who came and made his party so special! I think back over this past year with Thomas; he has been such a blessing! Paul and I were a little scared about having two so close, but honestly, we wouldn't change anything about it. He and Matthew get along so well. They really are best friends and play together so nicely (for now at least). I love that Matthew has a playmate 24/7 now, and Thomas just adores his big brother. We have had a great year! I have truly enjoyed staying home with the boys and seeing Thomas go through all the first year phases and how Matthew adapts to him at each phase. Now it should get really interesting with 2 yr old and 1 yr old boys. But for now, Life is good! We love you Matthew and Thomas! Below are pictures of the party.

Thomas' cake

Thomas digging in. He really loved his cake!

He really dug a hole in the middle of his cake. Too funny!

Matthew and his best buddy Jackson. Mimi and Paw Paw watching them play with the trains.

Thomas and his best buddy Reed, who also turned 1 this weekend and is Jackson's brother.

Birthday Boy!!

Opening presents. I had some really good helpers; Matthew and Ava Greear

Cousin Tucker

Thomas is showing off for Caroline. No shirt, haha. I had to change him because he had cake all over him.
Thomas is so big & beautiful! I love that smile! XOXOXO to both boys!