The boys ready for the first STATE game. GO STATE!!

Matthew was helping me feed Thomas one day, and yes, he has on just a diaper.

Play time!
Well we are bunkered down for the weekend with Tropical Storm Lee. It hasn't been too bad so far, just a lot of rain that comes and goes. But yes, there was a moment this morning when I was scared. We were under a Tornado WARNING, which anyone who knows me well knows I don't do well with bad weather. I think it is one of my biggest fears, so anyways I get out the radios and make sure they work with batteries, get Matthews mattress and take it into the bathroom along with some food, diapers, wipes etc...just in case. Paul went back there and started laughing, which of course I wasn't :) Once the tornado warning expired and the rain had stopped, I sent Paul out to get a weather radio and some groceries. Now I have calmed down a little, and we are ready to watch football and eat my favorite dip- spicy spinach rotel!
I hope and pray this weekend won't be too bad. I can handle the rain and a little wind, but tornadoes scare me!!!
As for my goals, I haven't done too well with them, so since it is the beginning of month, I am going to try really hard to do better this month!
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