Here are a few updates on the boys:
Matthew (20 months)
getting his canine teeth
a typical toddler- one minute pitching a FIT, the next jumping and laughing
loves, loves, loves the baby- he is always talking about him, kissing him, and hugging him
we are introducing the potty. Not potty training yet, just getting ready for it ;)
LOVES puppies...everything is a puppy if it is furry with legs
is getting pretty wild
loves balls and is pretty good at basketball and soccer
loves books and pictures of things
Still a mommy's boy, but equally a daddy's boy now too

Say CHEESE! (he really will say CHEESE and smile)

Sitting on the potty. I did bribe him with chocolate :) (I just wanted him to like it)

Typical dinner time at our house. He loves sitting in my lap and playing with my food.
Thomas (3 1/2 months)
not sleeping through the night yet, we are working on it though. He does about 2/3 of the time.
loves his paci
napping when Matthew naps in afternoon :)
drooling like crazy
does not like taking bottles (I am nursing him)
loves attention

Precious boys Megan! Glad you all are doing well.