Sunday, June 19, 2011

Updates and new pictures

had his 4 month check up last week. He did not gain as much weight as I had hoped, but he is still a happy, healthy boy! He weighed 13.2 lbs (25th%), 25 1/2 in. (75th%) He is still doing great! He holds his head up well, sits well in the bumbo seat, is rolling over on his tummy and back, and smiles and laughs. He is also starting to play with toys, loves putting things in his mouth, and likes the pool. Still not sleeping through night yet, I usually get up once anytime from 1-4 :(

Getting some love from Mimi

Getting love from PawPaw too

Enjoying the pool

had surgery last week. He had a tongue tie when he was born. Paul and I had always talked about getting it clipped, but we finally decided to go ahead and do it. We just did not want it to cause any problems later. He did absolutely great! By the time we got home, he was running around laughing and playing as if nothing had happened. Immediately after the surgery, he was eating and drinking. He has also gone potty a few times. I couldn't believe it! He loves dancing! We went to eat the other night, and they had a band playing. Matthew was tearing it up on the dance floor. His face was bright red, and he was sweating so bad. He would come get me and pull my hand saying "mon, mon" meaning come on mom! I didn't have my camera with me to take pictures. It was too cute though. The band was calling out his name and loved their #1 fan.

1st boat ride

Playing in the sprinkler with daddy

Fun in the sun!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Boys

Here are a few updates on the boys:

Matthew (20 months)
getting his canine teeth
a typical toddler- one minute pitching a FIT, the next jumping and laughing
loves, loves, loves the baby- he is always talking about him, kissing him, and hugging him
we are introducing the potty. Not potty training yet, just getting ready for it ;)
LOVES puppies...everything is a puppy if it is furry with legs
is getting pretty wild
loves balls and is pretty good at basketball and soccer
loves books and pictures of things
Still a mommy's boy, but equally a daddy's boy now too

Say CHEESE! (he really will say CHEESE and smile)

Sitting on the potty. I did bribe him with chocolate :) (I just wanted him to like it)

Typical dinner time at our house. He loves sitting in my lap and playing with my food.

Thomas (3 1/2 months)
not sleeping through the night yet, we are working on it though. He does about 2/3 of the time.
loves his paci
napping when Matthew naps in afternoon :)
drooling like crazy
does not like taking bottles (I am nursing him)
loves attention


Busy, Busy, Busy

May has been a super busy month for us. We really have been traveling 4 out of the past 5 weeks. So things are finally settling down for us. We went the the beach again for Joe Dixon's wedding, which was very nice. Paul's family went with us. We stayed in Watercolor Resort, which is one of our new favorite places! Then we headed to West Point for another shot at meeting Baby Tucker. He is super precious and looks just like his daddy!! Unfortunately I forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures. I do have to go to Jackson next weekend for my dear friend Mary Grace's shower, but after that we should be home for a while if anyone wants to come visit.
I have enjoyed the past 2 weeks as a stay at home mom with my boys. I was really worried about what we would do all day, but truthfully, we are always going somewhere. My new favorite place is the gym that I joined. The boys are able to go with me, which is nice. They get to play while I try to get back in shape after about 3 years of not really exercising due to being pregnant or just having a baby. Needless to say, I am pretty out of shape so I am excited about getting back in shape. Paul is out on his boat today. He hasn't gotten to use it much for the past year and half due to the oil spill, babies, and traveling. So he is happy! Hopefully he is catching some fish for tonight! We are planning on taking Matthew on the boat for the first time! I think he will like it. Here are recent pictures:

Thomas is such a happy baby! He loves attention :)

We tried to get a picture of Paul's parents with all 4 grandchildren. His mother got all 4 of them the cutest matching outfits. Matthew was not having it that day though!! He was the only one not cooperating :(

Matthew's RED mohawk

A day at the beach. We decided that we were probably the whitest family out there :) I think we are blending in with the sand.