had his 4 month check up last week. He did not gain as much weight as I had hoped, but he is still a happy, healthy boy! He weighed 13.2 lbs (25th%), 25 1/2 in. (75th%) He is still doing great! He holds his head up well, sits well in the bumbo seat, is rolling over on his tummy and back, and smiles and laughs. He is also starting to play with toys, loves putting things in his mouth, and likes the pool. Still not sleeping through night yet, I usually get up once anytime from 1-4 :(

Getting some love from Mimi

Getting love from PawPaw too

Enjoying the pool
had surgery last week. He had a tongue tie when he was born. Paul and I had always talked about getting it clipped, but we finally decided to go ahead and do it. We just did not want it to cause any problems later. He did absolutely great! By the time we got home, he was running around laughing and playing as if nothing had happened. Immediately after the surgery, he was eating and drinking. He has also gone potty a few times. I couldn't believe it! He loves dancing! We went to eat the other night, and they had a band playing. Matthew was tearing it up on the dance floor. His face was bright red, and he was sweating so bad. He would come get me and pull my hand saying "mon, mon" meaning come on mom! I didn't have my camera with me to take pictures. It was too cute though. The band was calling out his name and loved their #1 fan.
1st boat ride

Playing in the sprinkler with daddy

Fun in the sun!