I got brave the other day and decided to let Matthew play with his food. I was feeding him and he kept reaching for it, so I gave in and just let him go to town! He was loving it and laughing as he slid the bowl from side to side across the food on his tray. It was all over his hands, face, clothes and everything! Needless to say, he did not enjoy the cleaning up part. He is so much fun the days and is getting braver and braver. He has taken a few steps without holding on to anything, so I think he will be walking fairly soon!

Roscoe just turned 3! Every year I make him a "dog cake" with the best wet dog food I can find (he always get the boring, dry dog food and maybe a few scraps from me every now and then) I also put a milk bone in the middle. He LOVES it and wishes every day was his birthday! He has been a pretty good dog with Matthew. He doesn't bother his toys and he mostly leaves him alone. He does try to play with him and Matthew LOVES it. We do have to watch them because Matthew will sneak up on him and scare him and he does not like it at all!!!
I feel the love!!!