Matthew has his 2nd birthday Saturday! We had a Thomas the Train party at our house. We had lots of family and friends to help us celebrate! He was walking around singing "Happy Birthday to" "Happy Birthday to". He really liked it when we sang Happy Birthday to him. His face lit up. He had a great time at his party!
Thomas is crawling everywhere. He is also sitting up on his own now and starting to pull himself up/climbing on everything. He will be walking before we know it! He is such a sweet, happy boy!
We took the boys to North Carolina to see Paul's sister and her family. She has 2 children: Whitt, 3 yrs old and Payson, 7 1/2 months old. We drove 14 hours in one day!! The boys actually did really well. We went to a few museums, did a little shopping, had some carolina bbq, went to Duke gardens, and got to see our friends, Dawn and Bailey from optometry school! We had a great trip!

Birthday Boy!

"Happy birthday to you!"

Paul's Family- 4 generations

Celebrating Matthew's birthday with his cousin Whitt.

Matthew and Whitt running around at Duke Gardens.

Thomas and Payson, 3 weeks apart

I love this picture. Matthew wanted to walk with Thomas and hold his hand. So sweet.