We took the boys for their 2 month and 18 month checkups. It was wild with 2 :) Good thing Paul and I went together! They both checked out fine. Thomas was 11.2 lbs (50%) and 22in (10%) and Matthew was 24lbs (25%) and 30 and 3/4 in (10%).Thomas has been doing great! He is usually a good baby. He is sleeping anywhere from 4-7.5 hours at night. (I really enjoy when he goes 7-7.5 hours, but it still isn't a consistent thing yet!!) Thomas will start Daycare on Friday since I will be going back to work, but he will only have to go for a few weeks, then I will be home with both boys. Paul and I have decided that I will stay at home with the boys, so I will not be teaching anymore for now. I am excited about being able to stay home with them, but a little nervous too. Matthew is such much fun these days, but definitely a HANDFUL! I will have to keep him busy! I know it won't be easy, but I am glad I will be able to be with them during these early years! Pray for me ;) Here are a few pictures.