Thomas is now 3 weeks old. He starting having reflux problems towards the end of the 1st week. He has started taking Zantac now, which is finally seeming to help. Poor baby has had terrible stomach cramps, but seems to be doing better now. Night time, of course, is the hardest time. He seems to be more fussy then. Paul usually gets him when he is the fussiest so I can lay down for a little while. I pretty much have night duty after that. Overall I think he does pretty well at night. He usually goes about 3-4 hours in between feedings. We had his 2 week check up last week and everything went great. Matthew is still doing wonderful with him. Paul and I are so impressed with Matthew and how well he has adjusted to having another baby in the house since he is so used to having all our attention. It is definitely an adjustment having two kids, but not as hard as I thought it would be. Paul has been a great husband taking care of me, Matthew, and Thomas. We just have to juggle our time more right now with the kids. I can't wait until we can start getting out with Thomas. Right now, we pretty much are staying at home until he has his shots.
This is what he is finally doing today in between feedings :) Usually he wakes up about an hour or hour and a half after feeding him with his tummy hurting.

This is him ready to eat again! He is such a sweet boy!