Matthew was running over 103 fever, so I had to leave school to go pick him up from daycare. We stayed home Friday because he was still running fever. We went to Dr. and they tested him for the Flu, but it was negative...We went ahead and started him on Tamiflu just in case...Saturday night I wake up about 1:00 with contractions 15 minutes apart. I woke up Paul about 2:00, and he called the hospital. They said to come in if they get stronger. About 3:00 we called Paul's mom to come over to stay with Matthew because we were going to the hospital. We got the hospital about 4:30. I told Paul they were probably going to send us home, but I just wanted to see if these were real or not...
Well I was admitted. I got my epidural about 9:00, by 9:45 Thomas was ready! He was born at 10:16 a.m. Sunday. So needless to say, it all happened pretty fast.
Matthew finally stopped running fever Sunday. I came home Tuesday. I had not seen Matthew the whole time I was in the hospital. I finally saw him Tuesday night! He looked so big compared to Tiny Thomas that I had been taking care of.
On Thursday Paul comes home and says he isn't feeling well. He started running fever and had a sore throat. He went to the clinic on Saturday and was tested for Strep and the Flu. He tested positive for Strep! We made him stay locked in our bedroom from Thursday-Tuesday!! Luckily Paul's mom and my mom were able to stay with me and help out! He is finally feeling better and able to help with the boys again! It has been a crazy and exhausting week, and I am glad that everyone is feeling better now. Thomas has been absolutely great! He eats well, sleeps well, and is not very fussy at all. Matthew has done pretty well with him. He has his moments, but overall I think he has accepted Thomas well. He likes to look at him and play with his feet. I can't wait until Thomas is able to interact a little more with him. I feel so blessed to have such amazing boys! Paul and I are very lucky! Here are a few more pictures.

Matthew trying to relive his infant days

Sweet brothers