brother, James, was able to make it along with some friends and Paul's parents. Matthew loved playing with the other kids. He had his 1 year check up and everything went great. He weighed 20 lbs and 4 oz (still in 10%) and was 29 1/2 in. tall (50%). We did have to put Matthew in the hospital last weekend :( He got the stomach bug and almost got dehydrated! I am so glad that he is feeling better and getting back to himself. It was a hard weekend. Other than that, we are all doing much better! Hope you all have a great week. Here are some pictures from his party.We had a dumptruck theme.

Matthew enjoying his cake. He mostly just played with it.

Matthew's cute dumptruck cake that his Nana made.

Does anyone else's den/house look like this?

Matthew having a good time at the party.

Wes was such a good helper! He loved the presents.