Here are some pictures of Matthew attempting to crawl. He is so funny; He keeps putting his head on the floor and pushing up as he moves his feet. It kind of makes me nervous that he is going to do a front flip. LOL..He also likes to lay on his side and "model"
He has his first tooth coming in and another on its way. I can't believe he is old enough for that yet :( They grow so fast. He is such a sweet boy, and we love him so much!
I really can't believe Matthew is already 6 months!! He is trying to crawl so bad. He slides all over the floor, rocks back and forth, and rolls all around. He is also getting his first tooth :( His 6 month check up went well. He is still in 10 percentile for weight(15.6 lbs) and height(25 inches) and 75th for head. LOL. He is loving solid foods. So far sweet potatoes are his favorite. I am getting so excited about the summer. I know we will have a great time. I will post some new pictures soon.